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The Slakadeliqs
The Other Side of Tomorrow Do Right! - 2012
Michael Panontin
The Slakadeliqs are actually the alter ego of one Slakah the Beatchild, whose unique hip hop visions meld jazzy downtempo with some rather nifty beats, and are thus a welcome diversion from the usual ghetto (c)rap. On the excellent, eclectic The Other Side of Tomorrow, the Toronto-based producer takes a bit of a left turn, updating all those sunny popsike sounds popular at the turn of the seventies with healthy doses of more contemporary soul. He told Exclaim magazine, "It's a fusion of classic rock influences...I'm a fan of '70s music and the whole psychedelic sound...I was trying to go universal; I wasn't trying to pigeon-hole myself into a sound." There is plenty of rustic guitar and strings for those of a more bucolic bent. But things really come together on the more upbeat tracks, like the heady 'When the World Falls Apart', with its mix of breezy guitar, synth and vocal, and its sonic twin, the more radio-friendly 'Speed of Time'. At times, the juxtapositions are almost unsettling, like on the closing title cut, a quirky one-minute burst of guitar, retro flute and synthesizer that somehow manages to conjure up a chance meeting of Caravan and the Monochrome Set on a mid-seventies AM dial. Weird.
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