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eavesdropper ;; death stories EP (independent) - 2025
Michael Panontin
"[This] EP is for Izzy, Bousi, Laika, Elizabeth, Jerry, Jo-Ann, Benson and Dani, who have all passed away in the last few years."
With such a fraught description introducing eavesdropper ;; death stories, the debut EP by Megan Ennenberg, the Montreal musician who performs as MEGGO, you'd be forgiven for thinking this is a dive into the darker crevices of the human condition. Though the record is intimate, and comes on the heels of such immense personal loss - Laika, by the way, was Ennenberg's beloved dog - it is far from the sort of weighty, dirge-like collection one might expect.
"I myself almost didn't notice that the EP was forming out of my grief for them," she said, "but it had been acting like a sieve for everything else, all the other stuff that wasn't death. At times, the grief launched me into constant movement where I would travel and go go go and never settle, but slowly I found so much healing in slowing, in noticing small things - like a yawn, or birds, or the rhythm in footsteps, or my roommates violin experimentations in the next room over..."
Field recordings, especially the din of casual conversation, stipple much of the EP and give the songs, in Ennenberg's words, "a raw, unfinished quality". 'brooklyn pt. 1' - all six tracks are lower-case here - illustrates the point well enough. Recorded as a voice-memo on a Brooklyn rooftop and replete with the jazz-tinged chatter of a local bar or club, it feels appropriately cathartic, with Ennenberg's voice, which can be slight at times and more potent at others, getting plenty of room to soar.
eavesdropper ;; death stories is just the first missive in a planned trilogy of EPs for 2025, so with luck we can expect more good things to come.
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